Saturday, December 21

Tag: tandem solar cells

Investing in the Future of Solar Energy Technology
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Investing in the Future of Solar Energy Technology

The Solar PV technology is relatively new compared to other technologies used for power generation. It was in 1954 that Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson from Bell Labs developed the silicon photovoltaic cell to convert the energy from sun into power for electrical equipment. Since then the PV technology has evolved to a great extend. The PV technology has now taken center stage in addressing the issue of climate change and the world is looking at solar as an alternate source of energy to power its future. In India solar power gain traction with the launch of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission also known as JNNSM, inaugurated by the then PM of India Manmohan Singh in the year 2010 with a target to generate 20GW from solar by 2022. The target was significantly increas...